Mix Reality Playlist

One of the most difficult, often frustrating aspects of mixing a track is the speed at which objectivity dissipates. This is one motivation for always trying to implement workflow improvements to go faster.

Another thing I try to do is take frequent breaks; let my ears refresh. As Part of my break routine, I'll open my Mix Reality Playlist on YouTube. This is an idea I stole from mixing engineer Greg Wells.

The playlist is full of songs that I think have incredible mixes, and are also songs that I know well. I'm always updating this list to try and keep a list of songs that span the genres and sonic aesthetics that I like. It's fascinating to me that even songs outside of the genre I'm working on at the time can give contrast and perspective when it comes to the tonal qualities of a song's elements, the overall balance of the mix, and answering one of the key questions– does this sound like a record?