Rob Kinelski - The Mix Has a Groove

Mixer Rob Kinelski (Billie Eilish): Finding the Groove of Your Mix

My Takeaways

  • likes to start a mix early in the morning, the earlier the better
  • listen to the references, listen to the rough, catch the vibe, and get to it
  • on mix bus, Kramer Tape + L2 (that’s it, likes to keep it simple)
  • likes to set it up so the reference mix and my starting point are pretty close
  • go to the loudest part of the song, set up a loop, and mix that section first– then work backward from there
  • starts with drums, SSL channel strips, looking to make room for the vocals
  • checks how the song is feeling with ONLY drums and vox
  • adds another EQ to roll of lows in the vox because the compression would have started to reintroduce lows
  • uses Vocal Rider subtly, just 1.5db in range (-0.2 to 1.3), then using a few db in makeup gain on the plugin
  • likes the snare and vocal in the same place, but risks the snare getting in front of the vocal
  • found a synth sound that already sounded perfect, didn’t touch it
  • wide Qs on VCA EQs, wide boost on core frequencies but then turning down the track itself
  • master fader rides, i.e. louder in the choruses (make the choruses feel like choruses)
  • we’re trying to bring some life, clarity, energy, and finish getting the artist/producer where they’re going